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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Has Sprung!!

The last couple of days have been sooo nice!  The youngest grandson took his first trip to the park today and it was a big hit according to his mom :)  I walked yesterday with my 2 oldest grandsons B and L, well...I walked...they rode bikes...CHEATERS!  Today I spent time in my studio making another bib for C (the youngest).  He is learning how to feed himself and his clothes are paying the price!  Luckily he loves his new fashion statement, it's like a woobie (blanket) he can wear :)  I made it out of flannel and he walks around the house rubbing it with his little hands.  My sister Arlene and I were talking today about how you work and slave over a beautiful project and the little monsters barely give it a second look, then you throw something together out of necessity and they think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread :/  Hey, I'll take whatever love I can get, here he is loving me :)

...and guess what...it worked!!!
I also worked on some piecing for B's Harry Potter POD quilt
I love that orange fabric, I have to use 2 different fabrics because I don't think I'll have enough of either to complete all the letters, but I think they're a pretty close match.  I am paper piecing his name to add to his quilt somewhere!

Next I'm going to paper piece a shamrock that was generously given to our group by our fearless leader Ofenjen.  I think this calls for an Irish Chain so that I can use it for a label! 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sooo, The Husband got a job...

...which allows for more quilting time!  I spent the whole day yesterday in my space with three goals in mind.
#1  Finish POD blocks:  POD stands for Project of Doom which is a collection of paper pieced blocks for a Harry Potter themed quilt designed by a grotesquely talented woman by the name of Jennifer Ofenstein http://community.livejournal.com/hp_paperpiecing/100793.html
She generously contributes her designs for anyone who wants them (for personal use only, of course) and though I've never read a Harry Potter book or watched the movies I thought my grandson would love this and I'm certainly having a ball working on this project!  I should have taken
 after pics of the "studio" ,   here's a before shot,

...and the other side :)
the place was a disaster area when I finished :D  It's small, but it's mine and I love it!!!!

Now for a look at just some of those POD blocks I'm sooooo enjoying...

#2  Finish wallhanging from Sister's Weekend:  DONE!!  Quilted and hanging on the wall :)

#3  Make a large bib for youngest Grandson:  DONE!!  Well, the practice bib is done anyway :)  Next I'll make one for him with bunnies on it for Easter.  I found this pattern at http://thismomsews.wordpress.com/2006/05/11/babychildrens-accessories/

I have no clue what to do next!  There's always the Valentine's Day wallhanging I could quilt, but let's face it, that'll probably stay on the shelf til next year .  I have a ton of my Dad's ties that need to be made into something!  I was thinking a Dresden Fan, but now I'm leaning toward some paper-pieced pattern, which one?  I have no clue, but it'll sure be fun looking for ideas!