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Monday, February 21, 2011

Sister's Weekend!!!

My sisters are my BEST friends, they have been with me through all the ups and downs.  They've seen me at my worst and best and loved me through it all!  This is the time we look forward to all year, when we can revert to being 10 year olds and not worry about the families, jobs or calories :)  The fun starts Friday evening when we all gather at our oldest sister, Kathy's home.  The first night is spent just chatting and munching and game playing.  This year we played Sew You Want To Be A Quilter and may I say I don't know as much as I thought I did :(  I did lear n
alot though  and kicked all their butts...just sayin' :D

Here's proof of our gluttony

Although we call it Sister's Weekend it isn't usually just us sisters, our friend Patty, who is like a sister to us, always comes and this time our nieces Stacy and Emily showed up Saturday evening and spent the night.  They don't quilt or sew but they passed the time by playing Yahtzee and watching Paranormal Activity 2 :)

Here are the surprises I made for everyone...
This one I made for Emily, she's a shabby chic kind of gal.
Stacy's, the prints just reminded me of her

...and this is Midge's, looks like Peeps, don't you think

I loved the mystery quilt we made, but we found a couple of mistakes in the directions which made the going a little rough :(

here's the final product, or as far as we got on them...
...aren't we a pretty bunch :D (from left to right) Arlene, Kathy (oldest), Myself, Midge, Patty and Julie.   The name of the quilt is Fly Away Home and was posted by Kris over at Quilt Bus  http://www.quiltbus.com/fly.htm.  The flying geese units in the stars are folded/dimensional and I loved doing them, I can see using this technique again, fun stuff! 

Sunday morning we were missing our families and anticipating a snow storm so we headed out early.  It didn't end up snowing until about 2pm and by this morning here in Waterford we had 10.5 inches on the ground.  It should be a perfect day for cleaning the creation chaos in the studio and start thinking about my next project...happy quilting!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Strips and Strep

I took a little time off last week for a bit of strep throat which my son was kind enough to share with nearly every adult in the family.  How is it that the kids avoided it?  I even had my youngest grandson all day before I got really sick and he seems to have fought it off regardless of the kisses I showered on him!  The up-side to this story is I was able to retire to my studio for 2 whole days!  I made a wide assortment of things which I can't show now since they're prizes for our aforementioned Sister's Weekend, but I will post pictures as soon as I can do so without ruining the surprise!  I used up lots of my 2 1/2" strips and plenty of charm squares which now gives me a legitimate excuse to buy more :)  Last year we were on a pillowcase kick, so everyone made pillowcases that weekend to remember it by.  This year it's a mystery quilt that I found online, I will naturally take plenty of pics of our creations.  I'll see you next Monday for the low-down on our quilty weekend!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Whole Lotta Nuttin

This was a very unproductive week for me :(  Kids and chores have kept me from my creative escape but tonight we are expecting a blizzard!  Yes, that was an exclamation point at the end of that sentence :)  You see, I LOVE snow...LOTS  of snow...shut down the tri-couty area kind of snow.  Now I don't do winter sports, other than sledding and most wouldn't consider that a sport but I beg to differ!  If you've ever climbed the hill at Indian Springs Metro Park you'd see I'm right :D  I just sit on my fanny and sew, or quilt, or knit, or crochet and look at the beauty all around me!  

We've spent the day preparing so I can really enjoy my blizzard.  The husband put gas in the 'Puke'  (We used to have a suburban that we called "The Burb" and when we traded that in on a Pewter Yukon my sister dubbed her 'The Puke') and bought kerosene for the heater (just in case).  We also stocked the fridge and cupboards and now all that's left to do is fill the bathtubs with water so we can flush in the event of a power outage, clean this pig sty of a house and light some candles.  If you're gonna be in this thing be safe and enjoy! 

From our house to yours...Happy Blizzard!